Polices & Procedures
​At Little Swans,we understand that parents trust us with their children. That's why we have strict policies and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of all children in our care. The committee agree on all policies, reviewing annually.These can be viewed in the Little Swans setting on request or via your tapestry login. During Admissions, you will receive a copy of relevant policies. An outline of several polices are below.
It is our intention to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We will not require any deposits and you receive two 3 hour sessions free! Just get in touch and we can send you a application form.
We aim to ensure our fees are as competitive as
possible. We will help to signpost you to any childcare funding you may be entitled too, and accept 2yr funding, working families, 3-4 year & 30 hour funding. If you have any questions or need a little guidance please get in touch.
At Little Swans Pre-school we understand that most injuries to children including cuts and bruises to children are accidental and can be explained by parents/carers or the children themselves.
However, some children will be harmed intentionally; therefore it is the staff of Little Swans statutory duty to phone a consultation line for a professional discussion if they have any concerns for any child in their care.
Where guidance allows us; we will endeavour to discuss our concerns or issues with parents/ carers before recording the concerns, however, there are certain circumstances where this is not possible.​
If a child has an accident at home that results in a significant injury, we will ask you to complete a home accident form explaining how it happened. This is to show that we have acknowledged the injury.​​
Please remember that you can discuss with your child's key person anything that could be affecting your child's learning development, behaviour or significant injuries.​
All information shared with the staff remains confidential within the group unless it conflicts with our statutory duty.​
Further information on safeguarding in Little Swans is available by reading policy 1.2 Safeguarding Children and Child Protection or you can talk to one of the groups Safeguarding Lead Practitioners.​​
Lisa Syer (Manager), Suzanne Cooper (Deputy Manager) Sarah Tufts (SENcO)