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Our Curriculum

At Little Swans, we have utilise the Early Years foundation stage Development matters and Birth to 5 matters framework using both of these documents to plan activities to support the children's development and progress. 
How do we implement the curriculum?
  •  We have themed tuff trays that enable the children to explore their senses through play. 
  • This tray is linked to our story of the week, which is read every day and is accompanied by props to support telling the story.​
  • All children have a keyperson who observes them and plans appropriate activities to aid their development in all areas of the EYFS. 
  • Our room layout is flexible and can change depending on the needs of the current cohort, it has clearly defined learning areas to support the children in Free play.

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We have staff trained in Yoga and Mindfulness. We have utilised this training, holding a Yoga session with the children most sessions after Lunch for 15 minutes. This sessions begin with a focus activity, followed by Yoga poses and ends with calming relaxation music where the children lay with a cuddly toy. 
We are committed to promoting healthy eating attending Early years  Nutrition training to develop our snack menu. Since this training we have tried scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and Sardines on a Bagel. By having Omega 3 in our snacks helps our brains be healthy which is important for our wellbeing.
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